Mingun - Mandalay

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A bucolic scene.  I don't think I have ever used that word in print before but it seems just right for this image

Boarding our ox cart for our ride to the village, Colin stepped in what can be politely called a bucolic pile and is wondering what to do with his shoe



Hsinbyume Pagoda

Beyond the village is the pretty white Hsinbyume Pagoda.  Built in 1816 by Bogyidaw in honour of his favourite wife, by whose name it is known . Officially it is The  Myatheindan Pagoda

The seven terraces with wavy walls represent Mt Merhu and lead to a central stupa  housing a  single Buddha image 

The temple suffered substantial damage in the earthquake of 1838.  King Mindon had it rebuilt in 1874

Makes a great jungle gym for little ones        


No blue skies today

                         Hsinbyume Buddha

Steps to Settawya Pagoda                                                    


Pondaw Pagoda


By mid afternoon our boatmen were waiting to ferry us home and Mingun could return to being a sleepy little town - until tomorrow
Moustache Brothers

The Moustache Brothers enjoy a certain amount of notoriety in the West due to the continuing political nature of their humour.  This landed them in trouble in 1996 when U Lu Zaw and U Par Par Lay were sentenced to 7 years imprisonment with hard labour for the first two years.  Their crime was to tell a  joke at the governments expense during independence day celebrations outside the home of Aung San Suu Kyi.    Recently re-united it was a privilege to visit their little Theatre

U Par Par Lay                                

Lovely Wife  

                                       Lu Maw

The Stand up (well ok sitting down) comedian, Lu Maw goes through his opening routine.

Lu Maw the master of ceremonies speaks good English, quickly determining the nationality of his audience,  peppers his performance with appropriate asides for everyone.  He is justifiable proud of his Lovely Wife  (even Google doesn't know her name) a talented classical dancer whose face graces the current Italian edition of the Lonely Planet Guide to Myanmar 

Family members were introduced and costumes and gestures explained before each act.  We couldn't help but pick up a little insight into the political situation either.  At around the time of our visit a local radio station had taken to calling U Par Par Lay for his joke of the day

We weren't sure what to expect from the Moustache Brothers .  I anticipated a certain amount of political comedy but did not realize that they are a family Pwe troupe.   Pwe being a theatrical blend of traditional music, dance, drama and improvisation on the news of the day.   It is performed all over Myanmar at many social and monastic functions as well as at theatres

Par Par Lay died in 2013 from kidney disease caused by lead in paint on the water tank he drank from in prison.   The show goes on
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