Jodphur - Bishnoi Villages

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I had originally booked a Havali in the old city but the stairs and the electrical wiring and the broken toilet proved a problem for Fanny, and she had a point.   Everything in the old city was fully booked but we found the very comfortable family owned and managed Rattan Villas a little way out of town.  I would recommend it but I was disappointed not to be in the old city

The owner management were very helpful                               

  From here we booked our trip to the Bishnoi villages

Out and About with Mansingh
Mansingh took us in his jeep into the Great Thar Desert to visit a Bishnoi family in their compound. 
Rajput women in their distinctive dress

As we drove we looked out for deer, blue bulls and other wildlife.  What we mostly saw were peacocks, hundreds of them and the occasional man, woman or child wandering in the desert, seemingly coming from and going to nowhere,  At least nowhere close by

Bishnoi Villages

              I think this is a blue bull                                                                                 


Although the woman of the house had a indoor kitchen she made maize chapatti for us over an open fire outside



Meanwhile we sat on the compacted dung floor while her son made us a beverage of doubtful legality
At least where I come from it would be illegal both to make it and consume it  

Their rather distinguished looking neighbour had no qualms about drinking it though


 I was not too sure of our welcome at this village but needn't have worried   

 Family gather for a portrait, which had to include the goat

On the way home there was the usual shopping opportunity but happily without the hard sell
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