Mid Labrador Coast

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Rogers Harbour

This tiny cove on the tip of Kikkertavak Island has enough room for two boats to swing.

I got there at dusk to find the entrance almost blocked by a growler. With no other anchoring options before dark I managed to squeeze past the growler to find this wonderful anchorage. Probably not good in a strong NE wind.

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Meschers Harbour

This is a beautiful sheltered cove just south of Makkovik.

Keep within 40ft of the starboard side at the narrow entrance and you will not see less than 12 feet depth. The port side is very shallow.

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Most of the coastal towns have a roll on roll off ramp like this one. It allows the coastal freighter to load trailers right off the wharf.

From Makkovik north you start to meet more Inuit people.


Cartwright is a town or about 600 at the northern end of the coastal road which now connects back into Quebec province. The coastal ferry still serves communities as far north as Nain

The public wharf is small and busy but you can tie up at the marine service center or anchor in the harbour

Cross Island
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This island is immediately south of Cross Island but it has no name on chart 5047. The anchorage is in the longer of the two bays on the north side of the unnamed island. Just east of "Granny's Boot" There are no soundings on the chart but passage between Kikkertavak, Cross and Imnaliksekkineklik islands has plenty of depth.

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This is another wonderful wilderness place to anchor and explore. This photo is taken looking north with the entrance on the right. Don't cut the corner too close as you as you turn into the bay on the south side.

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Looking NE back towards the entrance. The gap is narrow with about 8 ft at low water. The chart shows an islet in the middle but as you can see it is connected to the north side.

A little tricky but well worth the effort.

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Sunset on a beautiful evening in this wonderful place.

Sango Bay (Natuashish)
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In 2000 I paid a visit to the construction site for the new Innu community of Natuashish (Sango Bay)

The anchorage is in the north end of Daniel Rattle between the islet (6) and the mainland. You cannot pass through through the south end of the rattle in a sail boat.

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A trailer city had been erected for the construction crews.

I was welcomed by Terry Hann, an employee of the main contractor,  Davis Engineering. He gave me a tour of the extensive site and treated me to supper in the workers canteen.

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One of the over 100 houses being constructed for the 600 inhabitants who will be moving from the existing community of Davis Inlet in 2002

The total cost of the project is about $140m. Everything is being built from scratch including an airfield, sewage system , water supply, school, wharf, community building etc.

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A new wharf is being constructed on the mainland opposite the island marked 7m on chart 5049, in the north entrance to Daniel Rattle.

Davis Inlet has a reputation as a place to be avoided by cruising sail boats due to vandalism by young people. I was once warned off by the RCMP. It remains to be seen whether the new community of Natuashish will be any friendlier.

Kikkertavak Island
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Kikkertavak Island - south of Nain

This anchorage is at the west end of the first part of the long unnamed bay at the east end of the island. The islet on the photo is shown on chart 5052. The entrance to the inner bay is shoal.

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Kikkertavak Island

This is another great place to go hiking.


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Nain is the most northerly coastal town in Labrador. The Voisey Bay nickel mine is nearby. In 2000 there was still no agreement  on starting mine operations. There is also a quarry which exports Labradorite, a beautiful turquoise rock made into expensive floors and tables.

The harbour is wide open to the east and the wharf can be very uncomfortable. The best local anchorage is in Kauk Harbour a couple of miles south.

Grady Harbour

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Grady Harbour on chart 5134 is a much better anchorage than it looks. I went in by the south entrance and the tickle opens up inside. The chart shows a rock in the middle of the entrance but I saw no sign of it. This photo was taken looking south.

You can see the remains of a whaling station in Watering Cove

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