Koh Samet aka Koh Samed

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The "two hour drive and short ferry ride" from Bann Phe turned out to be a six hour journey. 
                                    The picturesque jetty not being suitable for the ferry we  transferred to rafts and waded the last few yards to the beach                                       

There is no need to wade ashore these days as this amazing structure with bare breasted lovesick giant awaits your arrival 


Koh Samet is home to Khao Laem Ya Mu National Park with a lovely white sand beach and turquoise waters,  just as we had imagined.  The beach strip is nicely maintained but in 1992 a short walk inland revealed a huge garbage dump



 We found someone to rent us their catamaran and had a great sail on the warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand.  For a couple who did most of their dinghy sailing on the Irish Sea, this was  a real treat


A sudden squall erupted and as the sun worshipers ran for cover we ran for our cameras, there is nothing like storm lighting to liven things up.  Deckchairs were quickly stowed and we were entirely alone on the beach

One last wade in the ocean before boarding the ferry back to Bangkok and home
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