Chiang Mai

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Traveled north to Chiang Mai on the sleeper from Bangkok.  Had an excellent dinner and a comfortable night aboard the train

Riverfront Guesthouse situated

on the west bank of the Ping River


 The lush tropical gardens at Riverfront

             Preparing to cycle around Chiang Mai


Wat Changkam



Wat Chedi Luang                                                      

           Former home of the Emerald Buddha

The Chedi was struck and toppled by an earthquake in 1545.  Reconstruction was well underway in 1992 with the heavy labour being done by women.  On the right is the Chedi as it looked in 2013, with thanks to JJ Harrison for making this image available

The sign reminds us the 'Lord Buddha always reclines mindfully on his right side and for only one hour each night for the entire 45 years of his teaching.' It also requests we 'work diligently for our own deliverance'


Along the Tapae Road are shops selling a range of northern Thai crafts.   Each trade flourishes in a different section of the city but here visitors can see a wide selection of crafts and meet the artists and artisans who make them

















 Bamboo is cut for umbrellas frames which are assembled and covered with translucent paper.  Artists then decorate and leave them outside their homes and stores to dry in the sun

Silversmiths hammer out traditional hill tribe patterns and scenes from the Ramakien.   Tribal families still prefer silver to paper money.  Women wear the family wealth in heavy jewellery
















A skilled weaver can produce 6 meters of Thai silk in a day.  It is a short career for these young women as their eyesight quickly deteriorates in the dark bamboo huts


 Mt. Doi Suthep

Twelve km. uphill from Chiang Mai via hairpin bends and switchbacks is the temple of Wat Prathat



Wat Prathat


The sanctuaries, temple and cloister were built in the 16th century and since then have been maintained by donations from pilgrims

Seven headed Naga, form the balustrades of the 290 steps leading to the temple atop Doi Suteph

The magnificent 24 meter high chedi is covered with engraved gold tiles and surrounded by bronze gilded parasols


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